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How to Write a Call to Action that Actually Increases Your Conversion Rate

All that effort... For nothing! Writing countless texts for your website, ads or other materials without any results. Not anymore! Here's how to write a CTA that actually converts.

fred astair

Understanding the importance of a call to action

Before we dive in, let's make sure we're all on the same page. What exactly is a Call to Action, and why is it so important?

A Call to Action (CTA) is a marketing term that refers to a piece of content designed to encourage a viewer, reader, or listener to take a specific action. The action may vary depending on the context of the content, but the goal is always to motivate the audience to act in some way. CTAs are essential for businesses and marketers because they help drive conversions and increase engagement with potential customers.

What is a call to action (CTA)?

In simple terms, a Call to Action is a message that encourages your audience to take a specific action. This typically takes the form of a button or hyperlink that prompts the user to click through to a new page or complete a desired action. CTAs are commonly used in marketing and advertising to promote engagement and drive conversions.

For example, a CTA might ask the user to sign up for a newsletter, download an ebook, or make a purchase. The key is to make the CTA clear, compelling, and relevant to the content it accompanies.

Why CTAs are crucial for conversion rates

Without an effective CTA, your website or marketing campaign may fall flat. A well-placed CTA can not only encourage users to take a desired action, but it can also improve the overall customer experience by guiding visitors down a clear path towards conversion.

Think about it: if a user lands on your website or sees your ad but doesn't have a clear idea of what to do next, they're likely to move on to something else. But if you provide a clear and compelling CTA, you give them a reason to stay engaged and take action.

When it comes to creating effective CTAs, there are a few key things to keep in mind. First and foremost, the CTA should be relevant to the content it accompanies. If you're promoting a product, for example, the CTA should be related to purchasing that product.

Additionally, the CTA should be clear and easy to understand. Use action-oriented language (e.g. "Download Now" or "Sign Up Today"), and make sure the user knows exactly what will happen when they click the button or link.

Finally, consider the design and placement of your CTA. It should stand out from the rest of the content on the page, but not be so obnoxious that it detracts from the overall user experience. Test different designs and placements to see what works best for your audience.

By following these guidelines, you can create CTAs that truly resonate with your audience and help drive conversions for your business.

Types of call to action

There are several different types of CTAs, each with their own unique benefits and purposes. Let's take a look at a few of the most common options:

Text-based CTAs

As the name suggests, these CTAs are primarily text-based and often take the form of a hyperlink. Text-based CTAs are a great option for blog posts, email campaigns, and other forms of content marketing where you want to encourage readers to take a specific action.

For example, if you are writing a blog post about the benefits of a certain product, you may include a text-based CTA at the end of the post that encourages readers to click through to the product page to make a purchase.

I use it to sign off all my blog posts. If you scroll to the end you'll notice this post, just like all the others, end with "…thinking out loud." which is an invitation to discover the rest of the blog.

Text-based CTAs can also be used in email campaigns to encourage subscribers to click through to a landing page or sign up for a newsletter.

Button-based CTAs

Button-based CTAs are a bit more visually appealing than text-based options. These typically take the form of a brightly colored button that stands out from the rest of the content on the page. Button-based CTAs work well on landing pages and other areas of your website where you want to promote a specific action or offer.

For example, if you are promoting a limited-time offer on your website, you may include a button-based CTA that encourages users to "Shop Now" or "Learn More" about the offer.

Button-based CTAs can also be used in email campaigns to encourage subscribers to click through to a landing page or sign up for a webinar.

Here's an example. Weglot, a company that translates and publishes your website in many other languages, has 2 CTAs in the header of their homepage:

Weglot's CTAs

As you can see, one redirects the reader to page where they can sign up and try out the product and another takes them to a page where the product is explained in detail.

Image-based CTAs

An image-based CTA uses an eye-catching visual element to encourage users to take a desired action. These can be particularly effective for promoting special events, webinars, or other visual-heavy marketing campaigns.

For example, if you are promoting a webinar on your website, you may include an image-based CTA that features an eye-catching graphic and encourages users to "Register Now" for the event.

Monocle, a magazine I religiously read, includes image-based CTAs in their newsletters to promote their subscription:


Image-based CTAs can also be used in social media posts to encourage followers to click through to a landing page or sign up for a newsletter.

Interactive CTAs

An interactive CTA is a bit more complex than other options, but can be incredibly effective. These CTAs may involve gamification elements or require the user to perform a specific action in order to continue on to the next step of the conversion process.

For example, if you are promoting a new app on your website, you may include an interactive CTA that encourages users to "Try It Out" by taking them through a series of steps that showcase the app's features and benefits.

Interactive CTAs can also be used in email campaigns to encourage subscribers to engage with your brand and learn more about your products or services.

Designing effective call to action buttons

Now that you know the different types of CTAs, let's take a closer look at how you can design an effective CTA button.

Having a clear and concise call to action (CTA) button is essential for any website or landing page. It's the final step in convincing your audience to take the desired action, whether it's making a purchase, subscribing to a newsletter, or downloading an ebook.

Here are some tips to make your CTA button stand out and increase your chances of conversion:

Choosing the right color

The color of your CTA can have a big impact on whether or not users click through. A bright, eye-catching color like red or orange can encourage action, while more neutral options like gray or white may blend in too much with the rest of the content on the page. However, it's important to choose a color that matches your brand and doesn't clash with the overall design of the page.

For instance, if your brand's color scheme is blue and green, you may want to choose a CTA button that's orange or yellow to create contrast and make it stand out.

Selecting the ideal size

The size of your CTA button is also important - it shouldn't be so small that it's difficult to find, but it also shouldn't be so large that it overwhelms the rest of the page. A good rule of thumb is to make your CTA button one of the largest elements on the page, but not so large that it takes over.

Consider the overall layout of the page and the other elements on it. You want your CTA button to be noticeable, but not at the expense of other important information or visuals.

Crafting compelling copy

The copy on your CTA button should be clear, concise, and action-oriented. Use active verbs like "Download" or "Register" to encourage users to take the next step.

It's also important to create urgency and convey the benefits of taking action. For example, instead of simply saying "Sign Up," try "Sign Up Now and Receive 10% Off Your First Purchase."

Positioning your CTA for maximum visibility

Where you place your CTA button on the page can have a big impact on its effectiveness. Above the fold (the section of the page that's visible without scrolling) is generally the most effective placement, but you may also want to consider placing CTAs within blog posts or on landing pages where they'll be more visible.

It's also important to consider the flow of the page and the user's journey. Place your CTA button in a logical and intuitive location that makes sense for the user.

By following these tips, you can design an effective CTA button that stands out and encourages users to take action. Remember to test different variations to see what works best for your audience and continuously optimize for better results.

Best practices for CTA placement

Now that you know how to design an effective CTA button, let's take a look at where you should be placing CTAs for maximum visibility and impact.

Above the fold

As mentioned earlier, above the fold is typically the best placement for a CTA button. This ensures that it's one of the first things users see when they land on your page.

Within blog posts

Placing CTAs within your blog posts can be a great way to encourage readers to take a specific action. This might include subscribing to your newsletter, downloading a lead magnet, or registering for a webinar.

On landing pages

Landing pages are specifically designed to drive conversions, so it's important to include a clear and effective CTA on these pages. Consider using a button-based CTA that stands out from the rest of the page.

In email campaigns

Finally, don't forget about CTAs in your email campaigns! Use text-based or button-based CTAs to encourage your list to take a specific action, whether that's visiting your website or making a purchase.

There you have it - everything you need to know about using Call to Action to increase your conversion rate. Remember to choose the right type of CTA for your needs, design an effective button, and place CTAs where they'll have the most impact. With a little bit of strategy and creativity, you'll be well on your way to driving more conversions and growing your business.

But that’s just me…thinking out loud.

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